
Keep up with the latest news and advice from GSD Performance.


Frequency vs Duration – What Matters More When It Comes to Your Health & Fitness?

If I only had 1 hour each week to exercise, how would I spend it? 1 straight hour in the gym or 4x 15 minute sessions across the week? In the long run, the 4 movement “snacks” each week will yield more benefit. These movement snacks could be things like: A 10 minute walk in your lunch break A 10 minute yoga/mobility session off YouTube before you go to bed A walking coffee date/phone catch up 5 minutes of stretching in your office chair 3-4 times each day Walking laps of the oval whilst the kids are at training You’re [...]

Want to lose 5kgs? Here’s what to do!

Has your weight crept up over the last few months? Feeling like your life would be a lot easier if you dropped the 5kg "extra" you have been carrying the last few years? Not sure where to start? First things first - understand the key element to get under control is your energy balance. Very simply - where our energy intake (from food and drinks) is higher than our energy output (what we expend going about our day) - we will gain weight. Where they are in balance - we maintain our weight, and when our intake is less that [...]

The Best Holiday Fitness Hack

Concerned about derailing your progress during the holiday season with all the Christmas parties and festive indulgence? It's a common source of stress for those on their fitness journey. Setting realistic expectations at the onset of the festivities can make a world of difference. Let's face it, aiming for weight loss or a strict workout routine during this time might not be realistic. Instead, try adjusting your approach: 1. Adjust Movement Goals: With more social events and late nights, aiming for your regular gym routine might be too much. Consider three gym sessions a week or opt for shorter workouts, [...]

Finding Time For Strength Training and Why It Matters!

As little as 2-3 sessions per week for 20-30 minutes each can help you reap the benefits from strength training. Each session should cover all major muscle groups with compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, push-ups, and rows. Life is a juggling act, often leaving little time for self-care. Amidst the chaos, one cornerstone often overlooked is strength training. Here’s why it’s crucial and how incorporating it into your routine can be a game-changer: Impacts of Skipping Strength Training: Reduced Functional Abilities: Neglecting strength training can lead to decreased functional abilities, impacting everyday tasks like lifting groceries or carrying your child. [...]

Getting Started!

We are all capable of achieving incredible things when it comes to our health and fitness. Why is it we see so many people give up? It is super tempting in our moments of inspiration to ramp things right up - we're gonna: get to the gym 5-6 times per week and train the house down every session throw a 5km run in each week cut out all "cheat meals" and cut out alcohol for a month at a time eliminate sugar and carbohydrates from your diet try some fasting because that's good for weight loss someone said This inspiration [...]

What’s The Best Weight Loss Diet For Me?

There is nothing worse than feeling like you are putting lots of effort in and not getting the results you hoped for. The fitness world can add plenty of confusion to our efforts with all kinds of conflicting information out there about the BEST DIET to have you dropping weight fast, getting you amazing results in no time at all. Often supported by some impressive before and after photos that make you sit up and pay attention. "I think I'll give that a try" you think to yourself, so off you go, following the protocols as best you can. Invariably, [...]

Finding Purpose – The Super Power To Help GSD

As I hit my final year of high school, like a lot of us, I had no idea what I wanted to be as I’d “grown up.” Childhood dream job of driving buses was quickly dismissed as I’d added a love of cars over the years, and realised the quickest way to get myself into my dream car was to find a job I could do that paid well. I scraped into a university degree majoring in Accounting, and began a full time cadetship, whilst completing uni at night. Fun fact – my lack of application in my final year [...]

Benefits of Group Fitness

Are you tired of doing the same old solo running, cycling or walking routine? Do you struggle to motivate yourself to exercise in the gym alone? Don't worry, we've got the perfect solution for you: small group fitness classes at GSD Performance, located in the heart of Castle Hill! Working out with a group of like-minded people led by a trained instructor can do wonders for your fitness journey. Not only does it provide a positive effect on your health and overall well-being, but it also helps you stick to a fitness routine and remain motivated. But if you're still [...]

Stress Management

How much does stress suck!?!? In my late 20s, stress sent me to hospital. Late nights, early mornings trying to get ahead in my finance career, I was working myself into the ground, stressed every day and not coping. I didn’t say no to anything or anyone, and just kept trying to do more and more. Passions of mine like exercise and eating started to suffer, I was too busy for any of that!! I did such a good job of running myself into the ground that contracting glandular fever alone was not enough, my body thought combining that with [...]

Sleep (Nourishment Pillar)

How well do you sleep? In understanding where our personal training and group training clients are at – this is one of the first questions we ask. How much? How soundly? Fundamental to our recovery and day to day function, the power of your sleep cannot be understated when it comes to optimising your strength training and fitness training. One thing I do pretty damn well is sleep, below are some tips on improving your sleep, huge thanks to Nick Littlehales and his book titled “Sleep” – I have shared below advice from the book and application to my own [...]


We all need it – Why? Where should we get our protein from? How much is enough? 🥩 Why? Having protein with each meal will have you feeling fuller for longer – amino acids in protein triggers the release of gut hormones that reduce appetite. Preservation of muscle mass – increases muscle protein synthesis and suppresses muscle breakdown resulting in more lean tissue. Higher thermic effect – you burn more calories digesting protein foods than from carbs or fats. Healthier blood pressure, stronger bones and better blood sugar management are among the other benefits. 🍳 Where should we get our [...]


How am I going?? When was the last time you asked your partner/boss/friends for feedback? Stubborn, close minded Colin used to sail along through life, happy to not rock the boat, keep to myself and think anyone that gave me feedback or what is often called “constructive criticism” (a term I hate, more on that below) was just stupid or wrong. In terms of personal growth whilst I felt I was learning lots for myself or doing things my way, I began to realise this was a super limiting way to go about my life. It is confronting to ask [...]

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